International 전체검색 결과
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기본과제 게시판 내 결과
물류전문공항으로서의 청주국제공항 발전방안 (Developing Cheongju International Airport into an International Logistics Airport) 새창
[연구개요] 본 연구의 목적은 청주국제공항을 특화물류전문 공항으로의 역할 재정립 방안을 모색하는데 있다. 누구나 아는 바와 같이 충북은 국제항구가 없는 도이다. 따라서 수출 물류의 99.6%가 해상운송에 의존하고 있는 현실을 고려한다면, 충북은 수출경쟁력 측면에서 결코 유리하지 않다. 그러나, 충북의 수출구조를 분석해보면 최근 들어 IT업종이 주류를 이루고 있다는 특징을 가진다. 이러한 특징으로 인해 충북은 육상운송의 경우 도로운송 의존율이 매우 높으며, 항만 역시 부산컨테이너항에 대한 의존율이 매우 큰 실정이다. 현실적으…
2009-03-25 00:00:00
지역정책연구 게시판 내 결과
地域政策硏究 (第22卷 第2號) 가 발간되었습니다. -지역정부 구축을 위한 지방분권에 관한 연구(조성호·윤태웅) -지자체별 석면질환 위험도 분석 및 향후 석면관리 방안(이재근·정환도) -무인단속장비 수집 자료를 활용한 신호위반 분석(박정순) -지방 재정지출이 지역경제 성장에 미치는 시차효과(김진덕·류호영) -충북 수출기업의 정보기술 활용성과 실태 분석을 통한 전자무역 활성화 방안(윤영한) -지방자치단체의 탄소포인트제도 활성화 방안(배민기) -로컬푸드를 이용한 충북 농업(·)농촌의 …
2012-01-10 00:00:00
지역정책연구 테스트 게시판 내 결과
地域政策硏究 (第22卷 第2號) 가 발간되었습니다. -지역정부 구축을 위한 지방분권에 관한 연구(조성호·윤태웅) -지자체별 석면질환 위험도 분석 및 향후 석면관리 방안(이재근·정환도) -무인단속장비 수집 자료를 활용한 신호위반 분석(박정순) -지방 재정지출이 지역경제 성장에 미치는 시차효과(김진덕·류호영) -충북 수출기업의 정보기술 활용성과 실태 분석을 통한 전자무역 활성화 방안(윤영한) -지방자치단체의 탄소포인트제도 활성화 방안(배민기) -로컬푸드를 이용한 충북 농업(·)농촌의 …
2012-01-10 00:00:00
공지사항 게시판 내 결과
2008 International Symposium on "New and Renewal Energy Industry of Chungbuk & Yamanashi" Oct. 10. 2008, Cheongju, Korea Chungbuk Research Institute & Yamanashi Research Institute Foundation "忠北開發硏究院 - 山梨總合硏究所 國際 심포지움 개최" 2007년도 11월 충북개발연구원은 일본 야마나시종합연구소와 조사 및 연구교류 협…
2009-01-15 00:00:00
Research 게시판 내 결과
[D2023-13] A Basic Study for Set up the New Industrial Policy on Agriculture in Chungcheongbuk-do 새창
# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 95[ABSTRACT]Recently, agriculture is in a difficult and difficult situation due to the continuous decline and aging of the farm population, the decrease in cultivated …
2024-06-02 14:32:41 -
# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 135[ABSTRACT]Compared to the importance of climate change adaptation, current climate change adaptation policies and projects tend to be perceived as one of many sub-p…
2024-06-02 14:29:45 -
Chapter I. Introduction ················································································································· 111. Background and Purpose of the Study ················································································ 112. Scope and Methodology of the Study …
2024-06-02 14:06:34 -
[D2023-04] A Study on the Development Plan for the Sustainable Chungbuk Cement Industry in the Carbon Neutral Era 새창
# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 77[ABSTRACT]Due to the impact of the cement industry, the northern region of Chungbuk Province, designated as a cement production area, exhibits a higher proportion of…
2024-06-02 13:49:06 -
Ⅰ. Introduction ············································································································································· 1 1. Research background and purpose ······················································································· 3 2. Research con…
2024-06-02 12:16:53 -
[B2023-13] Proposal of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Transportation Sector of Chungbuk 새창
# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 89[ABSTRACT]The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were unanimously adopted by 192 member countries at the 70th UN General Assembly in 2015, have emerged as a…
2024-06-02 11:57:03