
Economic 전체검색 결과

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지역정책연구 게시판 내 결과

  • 이양수 / 발전국가모델 한국, 일본, 대만의 경제발전 경험이 국제개발협력에 주는 시사점 ···· 1기정훈 / 지방 인구구조의 변화와 지역 사회복지 전달체계에 관한 연구 ·····························23 라휘문 / 정부 간 행정관계와 차이의 정치 ······································································· 47 Jeong, Moon-GiㆍHur, SeungUk / Small-and Medium-size Communities and Economi…

    2021-01-06 14:25:26
  • As the knowledge-based economy has become a more important issue, numerous studies have investigated how to improve the economic capacity of diverse geographical scales responding to the current global competition and rapid change in information communication and technologies (ICTs). However, relati…

    2021-01-06 14:17:17

지역정책연구 테스트 게시판 내 결과

  • 이양수 / 발전국가모델 한국, 일본, 대만의 경제발전 경험이 국제개발협력에 주는 시사점 ···· 1기정훈 / 지방 인구구조의 변화와 지역 사회복지 전달체계에 관한 연구 ·····························23 라휘문 / 정부 간 행정관계와 차이의 정치 ······································································· 47 Jeong, Moon-GiㆍHur, SeungUk / Small-and Medium-size Communities and Economi…

    2021-01-06 14:25:26
  • As the knowledge-based economy has become a more important issue, numerous studies have investigated how to improve the economic capacity of diverse geographical scales responding to the current global competition and rapid change in information communication and technologies (ICTs). However, relati…

    2021-01-06 14:17:17

충북경제동향과전망(종간) 게시판 내 결과

  • 충북 지역의 경제전망 및 주요 지표를 통한 국내외 경제동향을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 “충북경제 동향과 전망”(2004.6 2/4분기)이 발간되었다. 이번 2/4분기 전망에서는 상반기 지역경제성장을 견인하던 IT 관련 제품수출 증가율이 다소 둔화될 것으로 예상되고, 지역소비 역시 본격적 회복을 기대하기 어려워 지역경제성장률은 다소 하락한 4%후반 대를 달성할 것으로 예상하였다. 한편 내수부진 체감경기 악화등에 의해 3/4분기 큰폭의 고용증가는 기대하기 어려울 것으로 보이며 제조업보다는 서비스업을 중심으로 소폭증가…

    2009-05-06 00:00:00

Research 게시판 내 결과

  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 95[ABSTRACT]Recently, agriculture is in a difficult and difficult situation due to the continuous decline and aging of the farm population, the decrease in cultivated …

    2024-06-02 14:32:41
  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 135[ABSTRACT]Compared to the importance of climate change adaptation, current climate change adaptation policies and projects tend to be perceived as one of many sub-p…

    2024-06-02 14:29:45
  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 77[ABSTRACT]Due to the impact of the cement industry, the northern region of Chungbuk Province, designated as a cement production area, exhibits a higher proportion of…

    2024-06-02 13:49:06
  • I. Introduction ································································································································1 1. Research background and purpose 2. Research range and methodII. Status and trends of emerging industries in domestic and abroad ·····················7 …

    2024-06-02 13:19:12
  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 81[ABSTRACT]The primary purpose of this study is to identify effective strategies for mitigating the financial burden of medical expenses on households in the Chungbuk…

    2024-06-02 13:00:55