2023-01 전체검색 결과
- 게시판 7개
- 게시물 9개
- 1/1 페이지 열람 중
충북재난안전연구센터 게시판 내 결과
※ 자료의 활용을 원하시는 분들은 재난안전연구센터 담당자 이메일(gykim@cri.re.kr)을 통해 연락주시기 바랍니다.Ⅰ. 서 론 ······························································································· 1II. 센터의 설립 필요성 검토 ···································································· 7Ⅲ. 기능과 역할 ······························…
2022-01-13 10:16:56
충북 Focus 게시판 내 결과
Ⅰ. 2 0 2 1 년 G R D P ············································· 1Ⅱ . 충 북 경 제 의 성 장 요 인 ···································· 7Ⅲ . 1 인 당 주 요 경 제 지 표 ································· 1 1Ⅳ . 시 사 점 ························································ 1 6
2023-01-03 18:14:58
Research 게시판 내 결과
Chapter 1: Introduction ················································································································· 111. Background and Objectives of the Study ············································································· 112. Content and Scope of the Study ····…
2024-06-02 13:34:15 -
# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 94[ABSTRACT]Unique Venue refers to a venue that provides participants with an exotic atmosphere, distinguishing it from traditional MICE event venues such as conventio…
2024-06-02 13:08:34 -
# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 85[ABSTRACT]◯ This study was conducted to analyze the current status and characteristics of the disaster safety industry in Chungbuk, and to identify promising areas f…
2024-06-01 19:23:09