
04 전체검색 결과

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  • 1/1 페이지 열람 중

Research 게시판 내 결과

  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 217

    2024-06-02 14:20:12
  • Chapter I. Introduction ················································································································· 111. Background and Purpose of the Study ················································································ 112. Scope and Methodology of the Study …

    2024-06-02 14:06:34
  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 77[ABSTRACT]Due to the impact of the cement industry, the northern region of Chungbuk Province, designated as a cement production area, exhibits a higher proportion of…

    2024-06-02 13:49:06
  • Chapter 1: Introduction ················································································································· 111. Background and Objectives of the Study ············································································· 112. Content and Scope of the Study ····…

    2024-06-02 13:34:15
  • Part Ⅰ, Inclusive Welfare Perspectives1. Health Inequality and Policy Challenges in an Aged Society2. Trends and Policy Challenges of Increasing Single-person Households in the age of population decline3. Challenges of Local Government Immigration Policy in Response to local Population Decline4. Cre…

    2024-06-02 13:23:23
  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 65[ABSTRACT]With the prolonged global pandemic and the Ukraine-Russia conflict, a new cold war system is strengthening, while the closure of borders by trading and inv…

    2024-06-01 19:45:50