
03 전체검색 결과

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Research 게시판 내 결과

  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 103[ABSTRACT]In today's world, a vast amount of information is disseminated through various media channels. The field of healthcare is no exception, as medical and hea…

    2024-06-02 14:00:44
  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 113[ABSTRACT]❍ Green biotechnology a new growth engine in the agricultural and food sector, is a field that creates high added value by applying biotechnology to agric…

    2024-06-02 13:52:32
  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 149[ABSTRACT]Although the value of culture and arts is increasing in importance, the indicators related to the enjoyment of culture and arts in Chungbuk Province and t…

    2024-06-02 13:46:18
  • I. Introduction ································································································································1 1. Research background and purpose 2. Research range and methodII. Status and trends of emerging industries in domestic and abroad ·····················7 …

    2024-06-02 13:19:12
  • # ABSTRACT ························································································································· 89[ABSTRACT]The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were unanimously adopted by 192 member countries at the 70th UN General Assembly in 2015, have emerged as a…

    2024-06-02 11:57:03
  • I. Introduction ········································································································································ 1 1. Research background 2. Research purposeII. Overview of regional industrial promotion plan ····················································…

    2024-06-01 19:49:31
  • ​# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 83[ABSTRACT]The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for policies, such as plans to establish a corporation dedicated to distribution and trade of agricultu…

    2024-06-01 19:43:48