지역정책연구 테스트

CRI 연구
“한국연구재단” 등재지로, 지역연구 전문 학술지로 2021년부터 년3회 발간되고 있습니다.
게시물 검색
5건의 게시물이 있습니다.
게시물 목록 Array
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            [wr_subject] => 地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號)
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우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.

1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우

2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영

3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형

4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철

5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육

6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진

7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구

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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
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우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.

1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우

2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영

3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형

4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철

5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육

6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진

7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구

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            [datetime2] => 01-29
            [last] => 2013-04-18
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            [name] => 관리자

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            [ca_name] => 창간호
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            [wr_subject] => Urban Amenity and City Logo -Determinants of Selecting Logo Types in Korea
            [wr_content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
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            [wr_datetime] => 2013-04-29 11:40:15
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            [subject] => Urban Amenity and City Logo -Determinants of Selecting Logo …
            [content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
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            [datetime2] => 04-29
            [last] => 2013-05-09
            [last2] => 05-09
            [name] => 관리자
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            [ca_name] => 창간호
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            [wr_subject] => A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaluation
            [wr_content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
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            [wr_datetime] => 2013-04-29 11:40:43
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            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local…
            [content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
            [comment_cnt] => 
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            [datetime2] => 04-29
            [last] => 2013-05-09
            [last2] => 05-09
            [name] => 관리자
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            [comment_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=272&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
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            [wr_subject] => [31-2] Small-and Medium-size Communities and Economic Development
            [wr_content] => As the knowledge-based economy has become a more important issue, numerous studies have investigated how to improve the economic capacity of diverse geographical scales responding to the current global competition and rapid change in information communication and technologies (ICTs). However, relatively little attention has been devoted to small- and medium-size communities to reveal what factors make them competitive and distinctive. To find real drivers of economic growth in the context of those communities, this study uses an asset-based community development(ABCD) approach focusing on associations, institutions, and amenities. The case analysis relies on in-depth interviews with selected key regional economic development participants in Montgomery County region, Virginia in the U.S. Interesting finding is that small town spirit (mutual trust and collaboration) were more important than formal government policies (running clawback clause) for accumulating creative and high-tech regional economic capacity. In addition, diversified industries worked a critical role in buffering the negative effects of economic recession and enhancing the regional economic growth. The other findings and implications of them are thoroughly discussed.
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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
            [wr_homepage] => 
            [wr_datetime] => 2021-01-06 14:17:17
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            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => [31-2] Small-and Medium-size Communities and Economic Develo…
            [content] => As the knowledge-based economy has become a more important issue, numerous studies have investigated how to improve the economic capacity of diverse geographical scales responding to the current global competition and rapid change in information communication and technologies (ICTs). However, relatively little attention has been devoted to small- and medium-size communities to reveal what factors make them competitive and distinctive. To find real drivers of economic growth in the context of those communities, this study uses an asset-based community development(ABCD) approach focusing on associations, institutions, and amenities. The case analysis relies on in-depth interviews with selected key regional economic development participants in Montgomery County region, Virginia in the U.S. Interesting finding is that small town spirit (mutual trust and collaboration) were more important than formal government policies (running clawback clause) for accumulating creative and high-tech regional economic capacity. In addition, diversified industries worked a critical role in buffering the negative effects of economic recession and enhancing the regional economic growth. The other findings and implications of them are thoroughly discussed.
            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2021-01-06
            [datetime2] => 01-06
            [last] => 2021-01-06
            [last2] => 01-06
            [name] => 관리자
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            [comment_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=432&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
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            [wr_subject] => [33-1] 3. 여성폭력 피해 지원정책의 수행도와 중요도에 따른 정책요구도 분석
            [wr_content] => 


본 연구는 경상북도에서 시행하고 있는 여성폭력 피해 지원정책에 대한 정책의 수행도와 중요도에 대한 인식의 차이를 분석하고, 정책의 실효성을 높이기 위한 시사점 도출을 목적으로 한다. 

경상북도 여성폭력 피해 지원기관 종사자 160명을 대상으로 시행 중인 여성폭력 4대 유형별 지원정책과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책 및 여성폭력 대응을 위한 정책 우선순위에 대한 설문조사를 시행하였으며, SPSS를 활용하여 IPA(Importance and Performance Analysis)분석을 실시하였다. 

분석결과 4대 폭력 유형과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책의 수행도와 중요도의 인식 차이에 따라 중점개선, 점진적 개선, 유지강화, 지속유지 영역을 도출하였다. 또한 여성폭력 대응을 위해 현재 추진 중인 정책에 대한 우선순위를 분석한 결과 가해자 처벌 강화 및 가해자 대상 범위 확대, 피해자의 2차 피해 방지를 위한 정책 마련, 피해자 인권 보호, 성인권 및 폭력 감수성 교육 확대 등이 중점개선 요구 정책으로 분석되었다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 폭력피해 여성 지원정책을 강화하기 위해서는 운영시설 지원 강화 및 프로그램 내실화, 2차 피해 및 재발방지 프로그램 강화 그리고 대상별 맞춤형 여성폭력 예방교육 확대 시행이 우선되어야 할 것이다.

{게시판명} 목록 - 번호, 제목, 작성자, 작성일, 조회수, 첨부 정보 제공
번호 제목 작성자 작성일 조회수 첨부

            [wr_seo_title] => 33-1-3-여성폭력-피해-지원정책의-수행도와-중요도에-따른
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            [wr_name] => 서브관리자
            [wr_email] => dsyeon@cri.re.kr
            [wr_homepage] => 
            [wr_datetime] => 2022-06-07 18:31:37
            [wr_file] => 1
            [wr_last] => 2022-06-07 18:31:37
            [wr_ip] =>
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            [wr_exp] => N
            [wr_tag] => 여성폭력, 여성폭력 피해 지원, IPA, 정책요구도
            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => [33-1] 3. 여성폭력 피해 지원정책의 수행도와 중요도에 따른 정책요구도 분석
            [content] => <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" class="__se_tbl"><tbody><tr><td class="" style="width: 1028px; height: 110px; background-color: rgb(235, 235, 235);"><p>&nbsp;<b>[초록]</b></p><p><b><br></b></p><p>본 연구는 경상북도에서 시행하고 있는 여성폭력 피해 지원정책에 대한 정책의 수행도와 중요도에 대한 인식의 차이를 분석하고, 정책의 실효성을 높이기 위한 시사점 도출을 목적으로 한다.&nbsp;</p><p>경상북도 여성폭력 피해 지원기관 종사자 160명을 대상으로 시행 중인 여성폭력 4대 유형별 지원정책과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책 및 여성폭력 대응을 위한 정책 우선순위에 대한 설문조사를 시행하였으며, SPSS를 활용하여 IPA(Importance and Performance Analysis)분석을 실시하였다.&nbsp;</p><p>분석결과 4대 폭력 유형과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책의 수행도와 중요도의 인식 차이에 따라 중점개선, 점진적 개선, 유지강화, 지속유지 영역을 도출하였다. 또한 여성폭력 대응을 위해 현재 추진 중인 정책에 대한 우선순위를 분석한 결과 가해자 처벌 강화 및 가해자 대상 범위 확대, 피해자의 2차 피해 방지를 위한 정책 마련, 피해자 인권 보호, 성인권 및 폭력 감수성 교육 확대 등이 중점개선 요구 정책으로 분석되었다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 폭력피해 여성 지원정책을 강화하기 위해서는 운영시설 지원 강화 및 프로그램 내실화, 2차 피해 및 재발방지 프로그램 강화 그리고 대상별 맞춤형 여성폭력 예방교육 확대 시행이 우선되어야 할 것이다.</p></td></tr></tbody></table>
            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2022-06-07
            [datetime2] => 06-07
            [last] => 2022-06-07
            [last2] => 06-07
            [name] => 서브관리자
            [reply] => 0
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            [comment_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=468&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
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5 地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) 관리자 2010.01.29 5,678 파일첨부 Array
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            [wr_subject] => 地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號)
            [wr_content] => 

우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.

1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우

2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영

3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형

4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철

5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육

6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진

7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구

            [wr_seo_title] => 地域政策硏究-第20卷-第2號
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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
            [wr_homepage] => 
            [wr_datetime] => 2010-01-29 00:00:00
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            [wr_last] => 2013-04-18 16:33:51
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            [subject] => 地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號)
            [content] => 

우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.

1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우

2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영

3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형

4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철

5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육

6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진

7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구

            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2010-01-29
            [datetime2] => 01-29
            [last] => 2013-04-18
            [last2] => 04-18
            [name] => 관리자

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            [wr_subject] => Urban Amenity and City Logo -Determinants of Selecting Logo Types in Korea
            [wr_content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
            [wr_homepage] => 
            [wr_datetime] => 2013-04-29 11:40:15
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            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => Urban Amenity and City Logo -Determinants of Selecting Logo …
            [content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
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            [datetime] => 2013-04-29
            [datetime2] => 04-29
            [last] => 2013-05-09
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            [name] => 관리자
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            [ca_name] => 창간호
            [wr_option] => html2
            [wr_subject] => A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaluation
            [wr_content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
            [wr_homepage] => 
            [wr_datetime] => 2013-04-29 11:40:43
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            [wr_tag] => 
            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local…
            [content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2013-04-29
            [datetime2] => 04-29
            [last] => 2013-05-09
            [last2] => 05-09
            [name] => 관리자
            [reply] => 0
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            [comment_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=272&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
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            [wr_subject] => [31-2] Small-and Medium-size Communities and Economic Development
            [wr_content] => As the knowledge-based economy has become a more important issue, numerous studies have investigated how to improve the economic capacity of diverse geographical scales responding to the current global competition and rapid change in information communication and technologies (ICTs). However, relatively little attention has been devoted to small- and medium-size communities to reveal what factors make them competitive and distinctive. To find real drivers of economic growth in the context of those communities, this study uses an asset-based community development(ABCD) approach focusing on associations, institutions, and amenities. The case analysis relies on in-depth interviews with selected key regional economic development participants in Montgomery County region, Virginia in the U.S. Interesting finding is that small town spirit (mutual trust and collaboration) were more important than formal government policies (running clawback clause) for accumulating creative and high-tech regional economic capacity. In addition, diversified industries worked a critical role in buffering the negative effects of economic recession and enhancing the regional economic growth. The other findings and implications of them are thoroughly discussed.
            [wr_seo_title] => 31-2-small-and-medium-size-communities-and-economic-development
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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
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            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => [31-2] Small-and Medium-size Communities and Economic Develo…
            [content] => As the knowledge-based economy has become a more important issue, numerous studies have investigated how to improve the economic capacity of diverse geographical scales responding to the current global competition and rapid change in information communication and technologies (ICTs). However, relatively little attention has been devoted to small- and medium-size communities to reveal what factors make them competitive and distinctive. To find real drivers of economic growth in the context of those communities, this study uses an asset-based community development(ABCD) approach focusing on associations, institutions, and amenities. The case analysis relies on in-depth interviews with selected key regional economic development participants in Montgomery County region, Virginia in the U.S. Interesting finding is that small town spirit (mutual trust and collaboration) were more important than formal government policies (running clawback clause) for accumulating creative and high-tech regional economic capacity. In addition, diversified industries worked a critical role in buffering the negative effects of economic recession and enhancing the regional economic growth. The other findings and implications of them are thoroughly discussed.
            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2021-01-06
            [datetime2] => 01-06
            [last] => 2021-01-06
            [last2] => 01-06
            [name] => 관리자
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            [comment_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=432&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
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            [wr_subject] => [33-1] 3. 여성폭력 피해 지원정책의 수행도와 중요도에 따른 정책요구도 분석
            [wr_content] => 


본 연구는 경상북도에서 시행하고 있는 여성폭력 피해 지원정책에 대한 정책의 수행도와 중요도에 대한 인식의 차이를 분석하고, 정책의 실효성을 높이기 위한 시사점 도출을 목적으로 한다. 

경상북도 여성폭력 피해 지원기관 종사자 160명을 대상으로 시행 중인 여성폭력 4대 유형별 지원정책과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책 및 여성폭력 대응을 위한 정책 우선순위에 대한 설문조사를 시행하였으며, SPSS를 활용하여 IPA(Importance and Performance Analysis)분석을 실시하였다. 

분석결과 4대 폭력 유형과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책의 수행도와 중요도의 인식 차이에 따라 중점개선, 점진적 개선, 유지강화, 지속유지 영역을 도출하였다. 또한 여성폭력 대응을 위해 현재 추진 중인 정책에 대한 우선순위를 분석한 결과 가해자 처벌 강화 및 가해자 대상 범위 확대, 피해자의 2차 피해 방지를 위한 정책 마련, 피해자 인권 보호, 성인권 및 폭력 감수성 교육 확대 등이 중점개선 요구 정책으로 분석되었다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 폭력피해 여성 지원정책을 강화하기 위해서는 운영시설 지원 강화 및 프로그램 내실화, 2차 피해 및 재발방지 프로그램 강화 그리고 대상별 맞춤형 여성폭력 예방교육 확대 시행이 우선되어야 할 것이다.

            [wr_seo_title] => 33-1-3-여성폭력-피해-지원정책의-수행도와-중요도에-따른
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            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => [33-1] 3. 여성폭력 피해 지원정책의 수행도와 중요도에 따른 정책요구도 분석
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4 Urban Amenity and City Logo -Determinants of Selecting Logo … 관리자 2013.04.29 4,622 파일첨부 Array
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            [wr_subject] => 地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號)
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우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.

1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우

2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영

3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형

4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철

5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육

6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진

7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구

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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
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            [subject] => 地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號)
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우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.

1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우

2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영

3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형

4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철

5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육

6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진

7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구

            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2010-01-29
            [datetime2] => 01-29
            [last] => 2013-04-18
            [last2] => 04-18
            [name] => 관리자

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            [comment_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=242&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
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            [ca_name] => 창간호
            [wr_option] => html2
            [wr_subject] => Urban Amenity and City Logo -Determinants of Selecting Logo Types in Korea
            [wr_content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
            [wr_homepage] => 
            [wr_datetime] => 2013-04-29 11:40:15
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            [subject] => Urban Amenity and City Logo -Determinants of Selecting Logo …
            [content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2013-04-29
            [datetime2] => 04-29
            [last] => 2013-05-09
            [last2] => 05-09
            [name] => 관리자
            [reply] => 0
            [icon_reply] => 
            [icon_link] => 
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            [wr_subject] => A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaluation
            [wr_content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
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            [wr_datetime] => 2013-04-29 11:40:43
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            [wr_tag] => 
            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local…
            [content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2013-04-29
            [datetime2] => 04-29
            [last] => 2013-05-09
            [last2] => 05-09
            [name] => 관리자
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            [comment_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=272&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
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            [wr_subject] => [31-2] Small-and Medium-size Communities and Economic Development
            [wr_content] => As the knowledge-based economy has become a more important issue, numerous studies have investigated how to improve the economic capacity of diverse geographical scales responding to the current global competition and rapid change in information communication and technologies (ICTs). However, relatively little attention has been devoted to small- and medium-size communities to reveal what factors make them competitive and distinctive. To find real drivers of economic growth in the context of those communities, this study uses an asset-based community development(ABCD) approach focusing on associations, institutions, and amenities. The case analysis relies on in-depth interviews with selected key regional economic development participants in Montgomery County region, Virginia in the U.S. Interesting finding is that small town spirit (mutual trust and collaboration) were more important than formal government policies (running clawback clause) for accumulating creative and high-tech regional economic capacity. In addition, diversified industries worked a critical role in buffering the negative effects of economic recession and enhancing the regional economic growth. The other findings and implications of them are thoroughly discussed.
            [wr_seo_title] => 31-2-small-and-medium-size-communities-and-economic-development
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            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
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            [wr_datetime] => 2021-01-06 14:17:17
            [wr_file] => 1
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            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => [31-2] Small-and Medium-size Communities and Economic Develo…
            [content] => As the knowledge-based economy has become a more important issue, numerous studies have investigated how to improve the economic capacity of diverse geographical scales responding to the current global competition and rapid change in information communication and technologies (ICTs). However, relatively little attention has been devoted to small- and medium-size communities to reveal what factors make them competitive and distinctive. To find real drivers of economic growth in the context of those communities, this study uses an asset-based community development(ABCD) approach focusing on associations, institutions, and amenities. The case analysis relies on in-depth interviews with selected key regional economic development participants in Montgomery County region, Virginia in the U.S. Interesting finding is that small town spirit (mutual trust and collaboration) were more important than formal government policies (running clawback clause) for accumulating creative and high-tech regional economic capacity. In addition, diversified industries worked a critical role in buffering the negative effects of economic recession and enhancing the regional economic growth. The other findings and implications of them are thoroughly discussed.
            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2021-01-06
            [datetime2] => 01-06
            [last] => 2021-01-06
            [last2] => 01-06
            [name] => 관리자
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            [wr_content] => 


본 연구는 경상북도에서 시행하고 있는 여성폭력 피해 지원정책에 대한 정책의 수행도와 중요도에 대한 인식의 차이를 분석하고, 정책의 실효성을 높이기 위한 시사점 도출을 목적으로 한다. 

경상북도 여성폭력 피해 지원기관 종사자 160명을 대상으로 시행 중인 여성폭력 4대 유형별 지원정책과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책 및 여성폭력 대응을 위한 정책 우선순위에 대한 설문조사를 시행하였으며, SPSS를 활용하여 IPA(Importance and Performance Analysis)분석을 실시하였다. 

분석결과 4대 폭력 유형과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책의 수행도와 중요도의 인식 차이에 따라 중점개선, 점진적 개선, 유지강화, 지속유지 영역을 도출하였다. 또한 여성폭력 대응을 위해 현재 추진 중인 정책에 대한 우선순위를 분석한 결과 가해자 처벌 강화 및 가해자 대상 범위 확대, 피해자의 2차 피해 방지를 위한 정책 마련, 피해자 인권 보호, 성인권 및 폭력 감수성 교육 확대 등이 중점개선 요구 정책으로 분석되었다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 폭력피해 여성 지원정책을 강화하기 위해서는 운영시설 지원 강화 및 프로그램 내실화, 2차 피해 및 재발방지 프로그램 강화 그리고 대상별 맞춤형 여성폭력 예방교육 확대 시행이 우선되어야 할 것이다.

            [wr_seo_title] => 33-1-3-여성폭력-피해-지원정책의-수행도와-중요도에-따른
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            [wr_datetime] => 2022-06-07 18:31:37
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            [wr_tag] => 여성폭력, 여성폭력 피해 지원, IPA, 정책요구도
            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => [33-1] 3. 여성폭력 피해 지원정책의 수행도와 중요도에 따른 정책요구도 분석
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3 A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local… 관리자 2013.04.29 4,711 파일첨부 Array
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            [wr_subject] => 地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號)
            [wr_content] => 

우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.

1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우

2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영

3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형

4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철

5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육

6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진

7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구

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            [subject] => 地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號)
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우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.

1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우

2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영

3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형

4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철

5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육

6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진

7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구

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            [datetime2] => 01-29
            [last] => 2013-04-18
            [last2] => 04-18
            [name] => 관리자

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            [ca_name] => 창간호
            [wr_option] => html2
            [wr_subject] => Urban Amenity and City Logo -Determinants of Selecting Logo Types in Korea
            [wr_content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
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            [subject] => Urban Amenity and City Logo -Determinants of Selecting Logo …
            [content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
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            [datetime] => 2013-04-29
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            [last] => 2013-05-09
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            [name] => 관리자
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            [ca_name] => 창간호
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            [wr_content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
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            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local…
            [content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2013-04-29
            [datetime2] => 04-29
            [last] => 2013-05-09
            [last2] => 05-09
            [name] => 관리자
            [reply] => 0
            [icon_reply] => 
            [icon_link] => 
            [ca_name_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&sca=%EC%B0%BD%EA%B0%84%ED%98%B8
            [href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=272&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
            [comment_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=272&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
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                    [2] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/link.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=272&no=2&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and

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            [wr_id] => 432
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            [wr_comment] => 0
            [wr_comment_reply] => 
            [ca_name] => 
            [wr_option] => 
            [wr_subject] => [31-2] Small-and Medium-size Communities and Economic Development
            [wr_content] => As the knowledge-based economy has become a more important issue, numerous studies have investigated how to improve the economic capacity of diverse geographical scales responding to the current global competition and rapid change in information communication and technologies (ICTs). However, relatively little attention has been devoted to small- and medium-size communities to reveal what factors make them competitive and distinctive. To find real drivers of economic growth in the context of those communities, this study uses an asset-based community development(ABCD) approach focusing on associations, institutions, and amenities. The case analysis relies on in-depth interviews with selected key regional economic development participants in Montgomery County region, Virginia in the U.S. Interesting finding is that small town spirit (mutual trust and collaboration) were more important than formal government policies (running clawback clause) for accumulating creative and high-tech regional economic capacity. In addition, diversified industries worked a critical role in buffering the negative effects of economic recession and enhancing the regional economic growth. The other findings and implications of them are thoroughly discussed.
            [wr_seo_title] => 31-2-small-and-medium-size-communities-and-economic-development
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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
            [wr_homepage] => 
            [wr_datetime] => 2021-01-06 14:17:17
            [wr_file] => 1
            [wr_last] => 2021-01-06 14:17:17
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            [wr_facebook_user] => 
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            [wr_3] => 2020.12.31
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            [wr_12] => 
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            [wr_tag] => 
            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => [31-2] Small-and Medium-size Communities and Economic Develo…
            [content] => As the knowledge-based economy has become a more important issue, numerous studies have investigated how to improve the economic capacity of diverse geographical scales responding to the current global competition and rapid change in information communication and technologies (ICTs). However, relatively little attention has been devoted to small- and medium-size communities to reveal what factors make them competitive and distinctive. To find real drivers of economic growth in the context of those communities, this study uses an asset-based community development(ABCD) approach focusing on associations, institutions, and amenities. The case analysis relies on in-depth interviews with selected key regional economic development participants in Montgomery County region, Virginia in the U.S. Interesting finding is that small town spirit (mutual trust and collaboration) were more important than formal government policies (running clawback clause) for accumulating creative and high-tech regional economic capacity. In addition, diversified industries worked a critical role in buffering the negative effects of economic recession and enhancing the regional economic growth. The other findings and implications of them are thoroughly discussed.
            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2021-01-06
            [datetime2] => 01-06
            [last] => 2021-01-06
            [last2] => 01-06
            [name] => 관리자
            [reply] => 0
            [icon_reply] => 
            [icon_link] => 
            [ca_name_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&sca=
            [href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=432&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
            [comment_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=432&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
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            [wr_comment_reply] => 
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            [wr_subject] => [33-1] 3. 여성폭력 피해 지원정책의 수행도와 중요도에 따른 정책요구도 분석
            [wr_content] => 


본 연구는 경상북도에서 시행하고 있는 여성폭력 피해 지원정책에 대한 정책의 수행도와 중요도에 대한 인식의 차이를 분석하고, 정책의 실효성을 높이기 위한 시사점 도출을 목적으로 한다. 

경상북도 여성폭력 피해 지원기관 종사자 160명을 대상으로 시행 중인 여성폭력 4대 유형별 지원정책과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책 및 여성폭력 대응을 위한 정책 우선순위에 대한 설문조사를 시행하였으며, SPSS를 활용하여 IPA(Importance and Performance Analysis)분석을 실시하였다. 

분석결과 4대 폭력 유형과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책의 수행도와 중요도의 인식 차이에 따라 중점개선, 점진적 개선, 유지강화, 지속유지 영역을 도출하였다. 또한 여성폭력 대응을 위해 현재 추진 중인 정책에 대한 우선순위를 분석한 결과 가해자 처벌 강화 및 가해자 대상 범위 확대, 피해자의 2차 피해 방지를 위한 정책 마련, 피해자 인권 보호, 성인권 및 폭력 감수성 교육 확대 등이 중점개선 요구 정책으로 분석되었다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 폭력피해 여성 지원정책을 강화하기 위해서는 운영시설 지원 강화 및 프로그램 내실화, 2차 피해 및 재발방지 프로그램 강화 그리고 대상별 맞춤형 여성폭력 예방교육 확대 시행이 우선되어야 할 것이다.

            [wr_seo_title] => 33-1-3-여성폭력-피해-지원정책의-수행도와-중요도에-따른
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            [wr_name] => 서브관리자
            [wr_email] => dsyeon@cri.re.kr
            [wr_homepage] => 
            [wr_datetime] => 2022-06-07 18:31:37
            [wr_file] => 1
            [wr_last] => 2022-06-07 18:31:37
            [wr_ip] =>
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            [wr_2] => 
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            [wr_9] => 배옥현, 이미숙
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            [wr_exp] => N
            [wr_tag] => 여성폭력, 여성폭력 피해 지원, IPA, 정책요구도
            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => [33-1] 3. 여성폭력 피해 지원정책의 수행도와 중요도에 따른 정책요구도 분석
            [content] => <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" class="__se_tbl"><tbody><tr><td class="" style="width: 1028px; height: 110px; background-color: rgb(235, 235, 235);"><p>&nbsp;<b>[초록]</b></p><p><b><br></b></p><p>본 연구는 경상북도에서 시행하고 있는 여성폭력 피해 지원정책에 대한 정책의 수행도와 중요도에 대한 인식의 차이를 분석하고, 정책의 실효성을 높이기 위한 시사점 도출을 목적으로 한다.&nbsp;</p><p>경상북도 여성폭력 피해 지원기관 종사자 160명을 대상으로 시행 중인 여성폭력 4대 유형별 지원정책과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책 및 여성폭력 대응을 위한 정책 우선순위에 대한 설문조사를 시행하였으며, SPSS를 활용하여 IPA(Importance and Performance Analysis)분석을 실시하였다.&nbsp;</p><p>분석결과 4대 폭력 유형과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책의 수행도와 중요도의 인식 차이에 따라 중점개선, 점진적 개선, 유지강화, 지속유지 영역을 도출하였다. 또한 여성폭력 대응을 위해 현재 추진 중인 정책에 대한 우선순위를 분석한 결과 가해자 처벌 강화 및 가해자 대상 범위 확대, 피해자의 2차 피해 방지를 위한 정책 마련, 피해자 인권 보호, 성인권 및 폭력 감수성 교육 확대 등이 중점개선 요구 정책으로 분석되었다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 폭력피해 여성 지원정책을 강화하기 위해서는 운영시설 지원 강화 및 프로그램 내실화, 2차 피해 및 재발방지 프로그램 강화 그리고 대상별 맞춤형 여성폭력 예방교육 확대 시행이 우선되어야 할 것이다.</p></td></tr></tbody></table>
            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2022-06-07
            [datetime2] => 06-07
            [last] => 2022-06-07
            [last2] => 06-07
            [name] => 서브관리자
            [reply] => 0
            [icon_reply] => 
            [icon_link] => 
            [ca_name_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&sca=
            [href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=468&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
            [comment_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=468&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
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2 [31-2] Small-and Medium-size Communities and Economic Develo… 관리자 2021.01.06 2,040 파일첨부 Array
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            [wr_id] => 242
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            [ca_name] => 창간호
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            [wr_subject] => 地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號)
            [wr_content] => 

우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.

1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우

2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영

3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형

4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철

5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육

6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진

7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구

            [wr_seo_title] => 地域政策硏究-第20卷-第2號
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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
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            [wr_datetime] => 2010-01-29 00:00:00
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            [subject] => 地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號)
            [content] => 

우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.

1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우

2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영

3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형

4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철

5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육

6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진

7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구

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            [datetime] => 2010-01-29
            [datetime2] => 01-29
            [last] => 2013-04-18
            [last2] => 04-18
            [name] => 관리자

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            [ca_name] => 창간호
            [wr_option] => html2
            [wr_subject] => Urban Amenity and City Logo -Determinants of Selecting Logo Types in Korea
            [wr_content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
            [wr_homepage] => 
            [wr_datetime] => 2013-04-29 11:40:15
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            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => Urban Amenity and City Logo -Determinants of Selecting Logo …
            [content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2013-04-29
            [datetime2] => 04-29
            [last] => 2013-05-09
            [last2] => 05-09
            [name] => 관리자
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            [ca_name] => 창간호
            [wr_option] => html2
            [wr_subject] => A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaluation
            [wr_content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
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            [wr_name] => 관리자
            [wr_email] => admin@domain.com
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            [wr_datetime] => 2013-04-29 11:40:43
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            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local…
            [content] => 우리 연구원에서 년2회간으로 발간하고 있는 "地域政策硏究 (第20卷 第2號) "를 발간하였습니다.
1. 충청지역과 조건부 수렴가설 / 김병우
2. 충북지역 신빈곤의 실태와 탈빈곤대책의 방향 / 박보영
3. 충북 바이오 부문 지식 네트워크의 구조적 특성과 진화 기제 / 홍성호, 이만형
4. 정부조직의 혁신활동과 구성원의 냉소주의 극복 / 하민철
5. A Study on the Citizen Participation in the Process of Local Government Self-evaiuation / 박해육
6. Urban Amenity and City Logo / 최유진
7. 지방자치단체통합의 상대적 효율성측정에 관한 연구
            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2013-04-29
            [datetime2] => 04-29
            [last] => 2013-05-09
            [last2] => 05-09
            [name] => 관리자
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            [wr_subject] => [31-2] Small-and Medium-size Communities and Economic Development
            [wr_content] => As the knowledge-based economy has become a more important issue, numerous studies have investigated how to improve the economic capacity of diverse geographical scales responding to the current global competition and rapid change in information communication and technologies (ICTs). However, relatively little attention has been devoted to small- and medium-size communities to reveal what factors make them competitive and distinctive. To find real drivers of economic growth in the context of those communities, this study uses an asset-based community development(ABCD) approach focusing on associations, institutions, and amenities. The case analysis relies on in-depth interviews with selected key regional economic development participants in Montgomery County region, Virginia in the U.S. Interesting finding is that small town spirit (mutual trust and collaboration) were more important than formal government policies (running clawback clause) for accumulating creative and high-tech regional economic capacity. In addition, diversified industries worked a critical role in buffering the negative effects of economic recession and enhancing the regional economic growth. The other findings and implications of them are thoroughly discussed.
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            [subject] => [31-2] Small-and Medium-size Communities and Economic Develo…
            [content] => As the knowledge-based economy has become a more important issue, numerous studies have investigated how to improve the economic capacity of diverse geographical scales responding to the current global competition and rapid change in information communication and technologies (ICTs). However, relatively little attention has been devoted to small- and medium-size communities to reveal what factors make them competitive and distinctive. To find real drivers of economic growth in the context of those communities, this study uses an asset-based community development(ABCD) approach focusing on associations, institutions, and amenities. The case analysis relies on in-depth interviews with selected key regional economic development participants in Montgomery County region, Virginia in the U.S. Interesting finding is that small town spirit (mutual trust and collaboration) were more important than formal government policies (running clawback clause) for accumulating creative and high-tech regional economic capacity. In addition, diversified industries worked a critical role in buffering the negative effects of economic recession and enhancing the regional economic growth. The other findings and implications of them are thoroughly discussed.
            [comment_cnt] => 
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본 연구는 경상북도에서 시행하고 있는 여성폭력 피해 지원정책에 대한 정책의 수행도와 중요도에 대한 인식의 차이를 분석하고, 정책의 실효성을 높이기 위한 시사점 도출을 목적으로 한다. 

경상북도 여성폭력 피해 지원기관 종사자 160명을 대상으로 시행 중인 여성폭력 4대 유형별 지원정책과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책 및 여성폭력 대응을 위한 정책 우선순위에 대한 설문조사를 시행하였으며, SPSS를 활용하여 IPA(Importance and Performance Analysis)분석을 실시하였다. 

분석결과 4대 폭력 유형과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책의 수행도와 중요도의 인식 차이에 따라 중점개선, 점진적 개선, 유지강화, 지속유지 영역을 도출하였다. 또한 여성폭력 대응을 위해 현재 추진 중인 정책에 대한 우선순위를 분석한 결과 가해자 처벌 강화 및 가해자 대상 범위 확대, 피해자의 2차 피해 방지를 위한 정책 마련, 피해자 인권 보호, 성인권 및 폭력 감수성 교육 확대 등이 중점개선 요구 정책으로 분석되었다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 폭력피해 여성 지원정책을 강화하기 위해서는 운영시설 지원 강화 및 프로그램 내실화, 2차 피해 및 재발방지 프로그램 강화 그리고 대상별 맞춤형 여성폭력 예방교육 확대 시행이 우선되어야 할 것이다.

            [wr_seo_title] => 33-1-3-여성폭력-피해-지원정책의-수행도와-중요도에-따른
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            [wr_name] => 서브관리자
            [wr_email] => dsyeon@cri.re.kr
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            [wr_datetime] => 2022-06-07 18:31:37
            [wr_file] => 1
            [wr_last] => 2022-06-07 18:31:37
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            [wr_exp] => N
            [wr_tag] => 여성폭력, 여성폭력 피해 지원, IPA, 정책요구도
            [is_notice] => 
            [subject] => [33-1] 3. 여성폭력 피해 지원정책의 수행도와 중요도에 따른 정책요구도 분석
            [content] => <table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" class="__se_tbl"><tbody><tr><td class="" style="width: 1028px; height: 110px; background-color: rgb(235, 235, 235);"><p>&nbsp;<b>[초록]</b></p><p><b><br></b></p><p>본 연구는 경상북도에서 시행하고 있는 여성폭력 피해 지원정책에 대한 정책의 수행도와 중요도에 대한 인식의 차이를 분석하고, 정책의 실효성을 높이기 위한 시사점 도출을 목적으로 한다.&nbsp;</p><p>경상북도 여성폭력 피해 지원기관 종사자 160명을 대상으로 시행 중인 여성폭력 4대 유형별 지원정책과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책 및 여성폭력 대응을 위한 정책 우선순위에 대한 설문조사를 시행하였으며, SPSS를 활용하여 IPA(Importance and Performance Analysis)분석을 실시하였다.&nbsp;</p><p>분석결과 4대 폭력 유형과 성인권ㆍ예방교육 정책의 수행도와 중요도의 인식 차이에 따라 중점개선, 점진적 개선, 유지강화, 지속유지 영역을 도출하였다. 또한 여성폭력 대응을 위해 현재 추진 중인 정책에 대한 우선순위를 분석한 결과 가해자 처벌 강화 및 가해자 대상 범위 확대, 피해자의 2차 피해 방지를 위한 정책 마련, 피해자 인권 보호, 성인권 및 폭력 감수성 교육 확대 등이 중점개선 요구 정책으로 분석되었다. 본 연구결과를 바탕으로 폭력피해 여성 지원정책을 강화하기 위해서는 운영시설 지원 강화 및 프로그램 내실화, 2차 피해 및 재발방지 프로그램 강화 그리고 대상별 맞춤형 여성폭력 예방교육 확대 시행이 우선되어야 할 것이다.</p></td></tr></tbody></table>
            [comment_cnt] => 
            [datetime] => 2022-06-07
            [datetime2] => 06-07
            [last] => 2022-06-07
            [last2] => 06-07
            [name] => 서브관리자
            [reply] => 0
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            [comment_href] => https://cri.re.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=010302_1&wr_id=468&sfl=wr_subject%7C%7Cwr_content&stx=IPA&sop=and
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1 [33-1] 3. 여성폭력 피해 지원정책의 수행도와 중요도에 따른 정책요구도 분석 서브관리자 2022.06.07 2,246 파일첨부
“한국연구재단” 등재지로, 지역연구 전문 학술지로 2021년부터 년3회 발간되고 있습니다.

『지역정책연구』는 인적자원개발 및 직업능력개발 관련 전문학술지(한국연구재단 등재학술지)로서 관련 분야의 연구 활성화는 물론 연구결과나 과정 등을 신속하게 전파하여 학술적인 발전에 기여하고 있습니다. 『지역정책연구』에 게재할 우수한 논문을 수시로 공모하오니, 관심 있는 분들의 많은 응모 바랍니다.

  • 논문주제고용, 직업교육·직업훈련, 교육훈련기관 평가, 자격, 진로·직업, 직업교수학습, e-Learning 등
  • 발간일연 3회 (3월 31일, 7월 31일, 11월 30일)
  • 원고마감수시접수
  • 제출방법이메일제출
  • 문의처 Tel. 043)220-1133
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