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[D2023-16] Strengthening the safety foundation through cooperation bet… New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 318

# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 82 


  The purpose of this study is to conduct a fact-finding survey on local safety governance about two years after the introduction of the autonomous police system, and to present improvement measures based on the analysis results. To do so, it is necessary to investigate the actual situation of the autonomous police committee, which performs the most important roles and functions in the autonomous police system. In particular, since July 2021, the Chungcheongbuk-do Autonomous Police Committee has made important achievements such as revitalizing participation in collecting opinions from all walks of life, promoting measures to protect the socially underprivileged, preventing theft of agricultural products, and securing the safety of drinkers.  At this point, it is of great significance that the Chungcheongbuk-do Autonomous Police Committee has established a public forum to review its achievements and discuss future development directions. However, with the implementation of the autonomous police system, it is still difficult to conduct a performance evaluation at this point, but improvements are needed in several areas.

  First, it is necessary for the autonomous police in Chungcheongbuk-do to approach local residents on a daily basis and provide life safety services directly. This is because it is important to show that the presence of the autonomous police in the lives of local residents is always close to the police.

  Second, the Chungcheongbuk-do autonomous police force should regularly establish local security organizations and governance to form a close network with residents' lives to solve problems such as traffic safety and crime prevention. It is also important to collect opinions from local residents and convey them to the autonomous police, and to utilize a cooperation system to collect opinions from residents. In order to solve problems related to local life safety, the autonomous police need to provide security services that residents can experience through various communication and mutual benefit.

  Third, the status of the Chungcheongbuk-do Autonomous Police Commission needs to be strengthened, and for this purpose, the dualization of the autonomous police system should be made in principle. The role and functions of the Chungbuk Autonomous Police Commission should be expanded so that it can exercise more substantial authority.
