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[D2023-06] Groundwater Status Analysis and Project Proposal for Protec… New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 664

# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 79 


  The world is at risk of water shortage due to climate change. Conservation and development of groundwater as an alternative water resource is necessary to address the climate crisis and achieve carbon neutrality. In the near future, it is necessary to actively respond to changes in the groundwater environment (recharge amount, ecosystem health, etc.) and improve adaptation capabilities due to climate change and increased water demand. 

  The amount of groundwater used in Chungbuk is 9.1% (272.0 million ㎥) compared to the nationwide annual use of 2,978.3 million ㎥. The annual usage per unit area in Chungbuk is 36,714㎥/year/㎢, 124.0% of the national average of 29,613㎥/year/㎢. The amount of groundwater used compared to the exploitable amount in Chungbuk is 27.9%, compared to the national average of 21.9%. In this study, groundwater-related projects that can be promoted in Chungbuk were discovered and presented.

  - Land cover(use) and appropriate groundwater usage management to prevent urban rivers from drying out

  - Water circulation facility (rainwater infiltration facility, LID, green space, etc.) plan to increase groundwater recharge in urban areas

  - Management of water resource forest to increase groundwater recharge in rural areas (management of fallen leaves and tree species)

  - Development of cultural, tourism, and festival products related to groundwater (10 famous waters of Chungbuk, groundwater taste contest, etc.)

  - Establishment and support of specialized groundwater research institutes

  - Strengthening residents’ awareness of underpasses through management of village groundwater and spring water and support for cultural events
