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[D2023-03] A Study on the Current Status, Establishment and Operation … New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 659

# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 149 


  Although the value of culture and arts is increasing in importance, the indicators related to the enjoyment of culture and arts in Chungbuk Province and the creative activities of artists are located in the lower part, unlike other indicators in other areas. Above all, cultural infrastructure must be equipped and the facilities must be operated properly in order to achieve satisfactory results for artists and residents who create and enjoy cultural activities. Therefore, first of all, I tried to examine the actual condition of infrastructure in the field of performance and exhibition, which occupies an important area among cultural and artistic activities, and consider ways to revitalize rational establishment and operation based on this. 

  In the part of establishment, first of all, it is necessary to grasp the exact actual condition of existing facilities and collect sufficient opinions from facility users. In particular, the gap is even wider for infrastructure in the field of visual and art. When looking at the distribution of active artists in Chungbuk by field, the number of artists is the largest in all regions except Chungju region. Therefore, while reflecting the reality of such a local art environment as much as possible, infrastructure suitable for the characteristics of the region should be established. 

  In terms of operation, 12 cultural centers in Chungbuk province, which represent public performance halls in each region, are operated in the form of 100% direct management by local governments. In contrast, nationwide, the direct management of local governments exceeds 50%. Chungbuk also needs to diversify its operating entities into those with expertise in culture and arts. In particular, it is also confirmed that Chungbuk has a significant shortage of personnel working in performance facilities and exhibition facilities, that is, total personnel and professional manpower compared to other regions. In particular, in order to become a performance and exhibition at the level that meets the audience's eye level, cooperation with professional manpower such as stage, performance, promotion, exhibition, and curator (curator) is essential. 

  According to the author's survey, 116 indoor performance facilities, 86 outdoor performance facilities, 113 exhibition facilities, a total of 316 performance and exhibition spaces are actually used by artists in the province, of which 239 facilities, or 76%, can be rented. Above all, it is difficult to obtain specific information about these performances and exhibition facilities, making it difficult to secure space during the peak season of performances and exhibition activities. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a platform at the city/county and provincial level that can check information on local performance facilities and exhibition facilities at a glance. It is necessary to increase the understanding and accessibility of the facilities by creating a minimum common manual (location, size, device, equipment, rental status, etc.) for each facility information.

  Establishing a healthy culture and arts ecosystem in the region is a problem that is directly connected to the quality of life of local residents and the influx and outflow of population. The field of culture and arts will increase its importance in the aging era. For this, it is essential to establish and operate a reasonable infrastructure for artists (creators) and the enjoyment class to communicate through culture and arts. This is why policies related to cultural infrastructure should not be a subordinate to various policies.
