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[B2023-17] Development and Application of Environmental Health Indicat… New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 291

# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 83


  Recently, there has been increasing interest in the health effects of various environmental hazards and climate change. It is necessary to develop various environmental health policies and projects to protect the health of residents.

  The purpose of this research was to diagnose the environmental health level of Chungbuk residents, identify vulnerabilities, and present Chungbuk environmental health indicators as a basis for identifying strategic tasks to improve the health level of residents.Results: 1) Chungbuk environmental health indicators were based on the DPSEEA system. 2) Environmental health categories included air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, radioactive pollution, noise and vibration, odour and hazardous chemicals based on the Environmental Health Act. 3) Reflects the characteristics of environmental health in Chungbuk, such as particulate matter concentration and waste disposal (incinerator) issues, as well as the characteristics of environmental health-related enterprises in Chungbuk Province. 4) Reflects the future risk factor (climate scenario RCT 8.5) and the work areas of the Chungcheongbuk-do Environmental Health Centre. 5) Weighted to reflect environmental health vulnerable areas and facilities. 6) When selecting detailed indicators, priority was given to policy use and ease of regular data collection. 7) A total of 126 indicators were selected: 10 for level D, 31 for level P, 13 for level S, 11 for level Ex, 23 for level Ef, 20 for level A, and 18 weighting factors.

  By analysing the current status and time-series changes of the detailed indicators presented in this study, it will be possible to establish environmental health policies tailored to Chungbuk and identify health promotion projects for the people of the province.
