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[B2023-08] A Study on the Improvement of a Remote place route Manageme… New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 568

# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 87 


  In order to establish a sustainable public transportation service supply system in rural areas in Chungbuk, where the population continues to decline and is aging, this study considered ways to expand bus-type DRTs currently operated by Cheongju-si City. As the remote route currently operated by the city and county does not function as a practical public transportation in rural areas due to low utilization rates and low number of daily operations, the plan to supply bus-type DRTs was considered by setting the direction of remote route management and lifting the designation of unreasonably operated remote routes.

  According to the analysis of the current status of the remote area route, it pointed out the problem of poor service level that residents cannot use at the desired time due to a small number of daily operations, 0.4 people per km for a single operation, inefficient operations while the amount of support is increasing, and the management system that lacks grounds for abolition even if there is no demand because there is no standard such as new or abolition of the remote area order route.

  As a result of analyzing the operation status of bus-type DRT operated in Cheongju-si, it was suggested that the need to establish an elderly-friendly usage environment, the need to find ways to efficiently utilize resources, the need to shorten the access distance for passenger pickup, and the need to increase the sustainability of the policy by reasonably adjusting fares.

  As a result of reviewing the bus-type DRT operation plan by restructuring the remote area route in the direction of supplying transportation services in underprivileged areas of public transportation, the construction target of the remote area transportation system was selected in the short term, and the service supply plan was suggested according to the type of area, linear, and other areas for each service target area.

  In order to expand DRT operation, a plan to establish an elderly-friendly usage environment, an increase in the number of passengers in one operation, an integration plan for bus-type DRT and public taxi call centers, bus-type DRT, and public-type taxis were all proposed to adjust the fare system.

  Policy suggestions is that it is necessary to establish detailed operating rules or ordinances by establishing standards to lift the designation of remote area routes if the number of users does not reach a certain level, and to lift the unreasonably designated and operated remote area routes if the number of daily operations is extremely small. 

  It was suggested that the supply system of public transportation services in rural areas should be reviewed, such as establishing a transfer system between arterial and branch lines in the town and reorganizing the transportation system between the town and the village to allow complex transfers in the town and myeon.

  In addition, Cheongju-si bus-type DRT operations were differentiated by region and time zone to gather and process traffic demand as much as possible, improve the use environment such as calling methods to increase the number of elderly users, and integrate bus-type DRT and public taxi operation centers to directly connect public taxis to areas where bus-type DRTs are difficult to dispatch.
