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[B2023-24] A Study on The Current State and Improvement of Public Heal… New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 90

I. Introduction ·············································································································································· 1

  1. The background and purpose of the study ······································································· 3

  2. The method and content of the study ··············································································· 5

II. Current state and measures of public health care in Chungbuk Province ···················· 7

  1. Current state ······························································································································ 9

  2. Measures to strengthen public health care ···································································· 12

Ⅲ. Overseas Case: Japan ······················································································································· 15

  1. Medical demand and response direction according to changes in population structure ··························· 17

  2. Emergency medical system, home medical care and visiting nursing care ········· 19

Ⅳ. Domestic Policies and attempts to strengthen Public Healthcare ·································· 25

  1. Medical Welfare Social Cooperative ················································································· 27

  2. The government’s primary care home visit treatment and home medical center pilot projects ····························· 32

  3. Other discussions and attempts: digital telemedicine, public-private cooperation clinic······································ 36

Ⅴ. Measures to Improve Public Healthcare in Chungbuk Province ··································· 41

  1. Summary ···································································································································· 43

  2. Policy suggestions ·················································································································· 49

Reference ····················································································································································· 49

Appendix ······················································································································································ 55

  1. Abstract ····································································································································· 57

  2. Table of Contents ··················································································································· 59


  The lack of medical resources and infrastructure and problems regarding medical accessibility have been highlighted in Chungbuk Province, especially, in rural areas. Therefore, this study seeks to improve public health care in Chungbuk Province, with a focus on emergency medical care, home visit treatment, and home visit nursing.

  To this end, this study investigates the experience and status of overseas Japanese cases, medical welfare social cooperatives, and the government’s primary care home visit treatment and home medical center pilot projects. 

  The results indicate that Japan organizes local councils for emergency medical services. In the case of visiting medical treatment, the fee structure for home healthcare is clearly defined including additional fees in the case of remote areas. Visiting nursing is provided 1- 3 times a week for eligible persons according to the doctor's instructions at medical institutions, such as hospitals, clinics, and visiting medical centers.

  “Wonju,” “Hongseong,” and “Sancheong” “medical welfare social cooperatives” located in urban and rural areas in Korea are facing problems such as recruiting medical staff, securing members, and low pay for long-distance care. Regarding primary visiting medical treatment and visiting nursing pilot projects implemented by the Korean government to secure a community care base, the provision of medical services in rural areas is not easy owing to the low fees for home visiting and the lack of medical infrastructure.

  Democratic publicness emphasizes the democratic principle of participation without exclusion, alienation, or discrimination. The government needs to secure the public nature of health care by expanding the local health care base, but realistic limitations exist. Therefore. Chungbuk Province should consider fully utilizing limited local health care resources by referring to the Japanese case. To improve citizens’ health care, various entities, such as the state(public medical institutions), the market(private medical facilities), and civil society(medical cooperatives), should prepare ways to cooperate, collaborate, and connect through participating.
