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[B2023-06] An Analysis of R&D for Redbio Industry in Chung-Buk New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 67

# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 111 


  Red Biotechnology(hereafter Red Bio), encompassing the medical and pharmaceutical fields, is the fastest-growing and largest sector in the biotechnology industry. The importance of Red Bio has been further emphasized during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the bio industry, a technology-intensive, knowledge-based industry, is continuously expanding national investment in research and development because research and development capabilities are very important. In this study, we aim to investigate domestic and international trends in    Red Bio research and development, examine cases from advanced countries, analyze the current status of bio-industry research and development in Chungbuk, and identify the limitations of Red Bio research and development in Chungbuk. The ultimate goal is to propose directions for improvement in the Red Bio research and development landscape in Chungbuk.

  The U.S. Boston Biocluster, recognized as the world's largest biocluster, has experienced rapid growth with active support from the state government. Currently, it comprises over 1,000 biotech companies, research institutes, hospitals, and universities. In addition, countries worldwide, such as Singapore's Biopolis and the UK's Golden Triangle, are establishing bioclusters centered around regions and technological innovation. There are many bioclusters in Korea, such as Osong Biocluster and Songdo Biocluster. In particular, the Osong Biocluster in North Chungcheong Province is Korea's representative government-led biocluster and is building an ecosystem of over 260 domestic industries, research institutes, hospitals, and hospitals.

  The results of the analysis on the current state of Red Bio research and development in Chungbuk indicate that the research and development infrastructure is at a high level nationwide, with numerous bio-related research institutions and supporting facilities. The investment in the Red Bio sector ranked fourth nationwide, demonstrating a relatively high level. However, the proportion of research personnel in the bio-industry compared to the total workforce (23.5%) is relatively low, indicating that despite significant investments in research and development by Chungbuk's bio-companies, there are challenges in securing specialized research personnel compared to the metropolitan area. In particular, the North Chungcheong region is showing lower competitiveness compared to other regions due to a decrease in research and development achievements such as SCI papers and patent applications.

  To address the limitations in Red Bio research and development in Chungbuk, it is crucial to implement supportive measures for securing insufficient research personnel. Establishing a talent cultivation system through industry-academic collaboration and cultivating existing research and development personnel into advanced experts is imperative for ensuring a sustainable workforce in the long term. Furthermore, there is a need to expand basic research initiatives for universities located in Chungbuk, as well as enhance the research and development capabilities of regional hub universities through collaborative research support projects with local institutions.
