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[B2023-05] Analysis of the Industrial Ecosystem of Pillar Industries i… New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 639

I. Introduction ········································································································································ 1 

  1. Research background

  2. Research purpose

II. Overview of regional industrial promotion plan ······································································ 9 

  1. Background and its recent reorganization 

  2. Status of nationwide 

  3. Status of Chungcheong region

III. Analysis of regional economic and industrial status in Chungcheong region ··········· 25 

  1. Analysis of regional economic and industrial status

  2. Analysis of industrial specialization

Ⅳ. Analysis of innovation infrastuctures in Chungcheong region ·············································· 51 

  1. Analysis of innovation organizations

  2. Analysis of industrial innovation and its infrastuctures

V. Analysis of the industrial ecosystem of pillar industries in Chungcheong region ····· 65 

  1. Analysis of industrial convergence of pillar industries

  2. Analysis of collaboration and connections among innovation organizations

Ⅵ. Conclusion ············································································································································· 87 

Reference ······································································································································· 99

Appendix ······································································································································· 101

Abstract ········································································································································ 103


  This study analyzed the industrial ecosystems of the main pillar industries under the regional industrial promotion plans of the four cities and provinces in the Chungcheongbuk-do region in order to explore ways of trans-regional linkages and cooperation. In particular, it examined the degree of technological convergence between the main pillar industries in the four cities and provinces of the Chungcheong region and the linkages and utilization of regional innovation institutions. According to the '2023 Regional Industrial Promotion Plan' of the four cities and provinces in the Chungcheong region, Daejeon Metropolitan City selected three main industries, including 'precision medical biohealth,' 'logistics and defense service robots,' and 'nano semiconductors,' while Sejong Special Self-Governing City selected two main industries, including 'intelligent mobility parts' and 'functional biomaterials. Chungcheongbuk-do selected 'advanced semiconductors,' 'convergence bio,' and 'eco-friendly mobility parts' as its three main industries, while Chungcheongnam-do selected 'display parts equipment,' 'carbon-reducing automobile parts,' and 'high-functional green bio' as its three main industries.

  The degree of industrial convergence (technology convergence) was measured based on the main industries of the four cities and provinces in the Chungcheong region. First, the degree of inter-regional technological convergence in the 'bio-pharmaceutical manufacturing industry' was found to be the highest in Chungbuk and Chungnam at about 66.7%. Second, the degree of inter-regional technological convergence in the 'ICT convergence manufacturing industry' was found to be the highest in Daejeon and Chungnam at about 69.8%. Third, the degree of inter-regional technological convergence in 'semiconductors' was found to be the highest in Sejong and Chungbuk at about 71.4%. Fourth, the degree of technology convergence between regions in 'Future Mobility Parts' was found to be the highest in Chungbuk and Chungnam at about 55.7%. Fifth, the degree of technological convergence between regions in the 'R&D service industry' was found to be highest in Daejeon and Sejong at about 45.9%. Sixth, Daejeon and Sejong have the highest degree of technological convergence between regions in the 'Information and Communication Service Industry' at about 58.1%.

  According to the distribution of innovation organizations related to the main pillar industries in the four cities and provinces of the Chungcheong region, they are concentrated within a 33-kilometer radius from the Osong Advanced Complex (Daejeon, Sejong, Cheongju, and Cheonan-Asan). Daejeon Metropolitan City is centered on the Daedeok R&D Special Zone, where related government-funded research institutes and base universities are located. Sejong Special Self-Governing City is centered on the 'Sejong National Policy Complex' and has related policy development and corporate support innovation organizations. Chungcheongbuk-do can be divided into government-funded research institutes in Osong Advanced Medical Complex and government-funded research institutes in Jincheon-Eumseong Innovation City, with the former focusing on scientific and technological research and development and the latter on testing, certification, and evaluation. Unlike Daejeon, Sejong, and Chungcheongbuk-do, government-funded research institutions in Chungcheongnam-do are not concentrated in a single location, but are scattered across several regions. The relevant institutions in the four cities and provinces of the Chungcheong region are broadly classified as 'Technoparks', 'Science and Technology Support Institutions', 'Creative Economy Innovation Centers', 'Regional Research Institutes', and 'Job Economy Promotion Agency', and their main functions are 'enterprise support' and 'start-up support' related to the main pillar industries in the region.

  First, it is necessary to create a "convergence ecosystem belt" to effectively foster the main shaft industry in the Chungcheongbuk-do region through the "Convergence Ecosystem Belt Creation (Proposal)". The first phase of the convergence ecosystem belt can be set within a radius of about 33 kilometers starting from the Osong Advanced Medical Complex. The belt is the core area of the main pillar industry and future new industry in Chungcheongbuk-do, where "industry, academia, research, medicine, and government" are concentrated. The second stage of the convergence ecosystem belt can be set within a radius of about 45 kilometers starting from the 'Osong Advanced Medical Complex'. The scope can include 'Jincheon Eumseong Innovation City'. The third stage of the convergence ecosystem belt creation (plan) is a belt that includes the Nampo Innovation City in Chungcheongnam-do and may also include the enterprise city of Chungju.

  Second, the 'Comprehensive Governance and Industry, Academia, Federa, Public, Private Cooperation System for the Development of the Chungcheongbuk-do Axis Industries (Draft)' proposes a comprehensive governance and industry, academia, federal, public, private cooperation system for the Chungcheongbuk-do axis industries to create a convergence ecosystem belt through linkages and cooperation between the four provinces and cities, which can effectively control innovation resources. Technology-intensive industries such as the main pillar industries in the Chungcheongbuk-do region need to strengthen their R&D capabilities, which are expressed through the establishment of cooperation systems or innovation ecosystems among various innovation actors. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a comprehensive governance system that can efficiently control various innovation resources such as universities, government research centers, national institutions, and related organizations in the belt.

  Third, the proposal is to create a convergence ecosystem to foster startups in the main axis industries in the Chungcheongbuk-do region. Until now, startups have been fostered competitively by region, making it difficult to cooperate with other regions. As a result, the survival rate of startups is significantly lower in regions other than the Seoul metropolitan area and metropolitan cities. Therefore, to improve and overcome these limitations, it is necessary to create a convergence ecosystem for fostering startups related to the main axis industry in the Chungcheong region. This means that it is necessary to foster startups by jointly utilizing innovation resources within the convergence ecosystem belt of the main axis industry in the Chungcheong region.
