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[B2023-11] A Study on The Meaning and Direction of Opening Local Gover… New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 51

# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 99


  Recently, there has been an increasing movement among local governments to pursue communication between administration and local residents by opening local government office buildings for public. This has symbolic meanings more than opening up space itself.

  City hall and county offices buildings represent the region itself as well as local politics and administration. This is another from the architectural value of building itself. Those spaces are used as a place for meetings and events. The opening buildings for public, which are public buildings representing the region, is a symbolic policy with great significance in terms of communication with local residents.

  As a result of examining the conditions of public office buildings in the Chungbuk,  those are very poor due to the decrepit level and the severe lack of working space. Since the most fundamental function of public office buildings is administration, improving the working environment seems to be a task that must be solved before opening. It is necessary to improve the architectural environment, such as green remodeling of buildings. Considering these conditions, this study proposed the view of sense of place rather than the usability of open space.

  The public space would be a space for residents, for culture and art, and even for a tourist attraction. First, it is used as an open parking lot, open garden, and community space for residents (library, club room, etc.). It can also be used as a living art space for local residents as well as a space to enjoy small-scale exhibitions or small-scale concerts. If it is reborn as a landmark space, it can also be given a tourist attraction with the sense of place.

  Accessibility must also be considered when utilizing public spaces within public office buildings. If it is located in the city center and can be easily accessible by foot or public transportation, it can be opened as a convenience function for residents living nearby and as a gathering space for various residents. On the other hand, if it is located in a place with poor accessibility, the usability of the open space is low. In this case, it is possible to allocate space to local organizations that need work space or to encourage visits to public buildings by holding special cultural events.
