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[B2023-10] A Direction of Population Policy Based on Population Charac… New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 78

I. Introduction ·············································································································································· 1

Ⅱ. Population growth and demographic structure ········································································ 7

Ⅲ. Characteristics of population migration ··················································································· 27

Ⅳ. Case study : central and local governments ··········································································· 49

Ⅴ. Desirable population policy in rural areas ·············································································· 67

Ⅵ. Conclusion ············································································································································ 77

Reference ····················································································································································· 83

Appendix ······················································································································································ 85

Abstract ························································································································································ 87

Table of Contents ····································································································································· 90


  The population policies of the Korean government and local administrations are centered on national population decline, declining birthrate, and aging population. Therefore, it is insufficient to prepare response strategy considering regional characteristics and the prospect of population change and to present measures to promote population policies by region. In addition, as it has been promoted mainly in the health, social, and welfare sectors, it is evaluated that comprehensive and practical countermeasures in preparation for the age of population decline are insufficient.

  Since the speed, scale, and impact of population change vary depending on regional factors such as the size and structure of population, economic, social and spatial conditions, there is a need for the implementation of place-based population policies tailored to regional characteristics. 

  Population fluctuations trigger broader changes in a region, influencing aspects such as regional development and space utilization. Recognizing the interconnected relationship between regional economic and living conditions with population shifts, it is essential to establish a regional policy paradigm suitable for the era of population decline and devise specific policy measures.

  In the era of population decline, rural areas should pursue "compactization" considering regional characteristics and induce the concentration of major living functions. Through this, it is necessary to continuously provide public and living services in response to population changes and to improve the efficiency of urban finances.

  In order to strengthen the competitiveness of existing center and improve the living conditions, the government should push for intensive use of space and prevent of suburbanization by improving the residential environment of established center, removing idle facilities, changing their use, and promoting the influx of urban population. 

  Review of financial support policy for the implementation of urban shrinkage strategies, such as the maintenance of idle spaces and the demolition of old facilities in center suffering from population decline, is necessary. In addition, inter-regional linkage and cooperation are important to provide efficient public and living services, prevent local fiscal deterioration, and improve the efficiency of fiscal management. Also, it is necessary to form an urban area through linkage between base cities and surrounding cities, form a living area through linkage between villages, and to connect and cooperate in metropolitan areas.

  The population policy considering the population characteristics of rural areas in Chungcheongbuk-do are as follows.

  First, it is to use space intensively and strengthen the effective use of existing facilities in response to the era of population decline. The existing approach to regional development, focused on growth and expansion, results in increased inefficiency in the supply of public services, expanded public financial burdens, and inefficiencies in spatial utilization. Therefore, there is a need for initiatives such as appropriate-scale growth management and spatial reduction strategies that align with the era of population decline. In the medium to long term, the government should introduce systems like the induction of residential service function zones and living service function zones to promote the concentration of essential functions and actively support the strengthening of the central hub function for life services.

  Second, it is to promote the complexity of public life service functions through cooperation between government departments. The government and local governments are pushing for various projects to revitalize the regions and solve the population decline problems, but the efficiency of financial investment is decreasing due to the segmental project implementation of each policy implementer. Therefore, when expanding public service facilities, it is necessary to switch from a single function or individual facility construction method to a multifunctional and complex facility construction method to improve public financial management efficiency and user convenience.

  Finally, it is to strengthen regional linkage and cooperation to maintain living service functions and improve financial management efficiency. In response to decreasing demand, underestimation, and spatial imbalance caused by population decline, there is a need for the role of spatial planning to ensure nationwide provision of public life services at an appropriate level (National Minimum) and to enhance the efficiency of public finances. Linkages and cooperation methods that match local characteristics should be utilized, such as "vertical linkage" that strengthens the public life service functions of local bases and strengthens public transportation links with surrounding areas, and "horizontal linkage" such as joint installation and use of public life service facilities between local governments.
