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[B2023-18] Current Status of Species and Policy Suggestions in Chungbu… New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 80

# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 85


  This study is to understand the current status of species in Chungbuk region using the national environment survey data. It is intended to discover areas that need conservation and management suitable for regional characteristics and to suggest policies for them.

  A total of 6,877 species (18.4% of 37,416 species nationwide) and 21 natural monuments, 13 endangered wildlife species, and 55 endangered wildlife species have been identified in Chungbuk, and there are natural environmental protection areas such as water source protection areas, but there are no ecological and landscape conservation areas.

  As a result of examining candidate areas based on data identified by legal protection species, Yeongdong-gun, Cheongju-si, Chungju-si, and Okcheon-gun were found to be many, and additional analysis is needed to specify candidate areas.

  If it is designated as an ecological and landscape conservation area, there are restrictions on activities to preserve it, but it can also benefit from ecotourism, land purchase, and state funding, and management will play an important role through the participation and cooperation of stakeholders along with changing residents' perceptions.
