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[C2023-02] Why do young women leave ChungBuk New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 101

# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 239 


  This study aims to identify the reasons for the negative net migration of young women in the Chungbuk region compared to young men. To achieve this, both qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed to analyze the demographic movement of young people and understand the factors influencing this movement.

  Firstly, the analysis revealed that the net outflow of young women compared to young men is due to the relatively lower influx of young women into the Chungbuk region compared to young men. Therefore, the study investigated the reasons for the influx of both young women and young men into Chungbuk.

  The results showed that for young men, employment opportunities were the most important factor, while for young women, in their 20s, employment was significant, but in their 30s, factors such as family and marriage played a more substantial role in migrating to Chungbuk. Examining the employment situation, it was found that Chungbuk has a lower proportion of jobs in cultural and artistic fields and sales and rental occupations compared to the metropolitan area, with a higher proportion in manufacturing-related simple labor. Particularly, some rural areas showed a significant lack of job diversity.

  Survey results related to residence did not show significant differences between young women and young men. However, safety considerations were more important for women. Satisfaction with education conditions in Chungbuk was high up to elementary school, but it declined from middle school onwards. Overall, satisfaction with living conditions in Chungbuk was lower than in the metropolitan area.

  Interviews indicated that there were many demands for improvements in local living conditions, but satisfaction was still high, acknowledging the limitations of the local conditions. The research concluded that young people who value their lifestyle and pursue a relaxed life are satisfied with their lives in Chungbuk, especially when they are recognized in the local community and have relatively stable jobs.

  However, challenges such as the closed local atmosphere, difficulties in peer culture, poor public transportation, and housing issues were identified. Considering these aspects, policy recommendations were proposed, including youth allocations in various committees, creating convenience in life, supporting local startups, providing transportation vouchers, expanding youth facilities, and promoting intergenerational exchange programs.
