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[B2023-07] A Study on Activation Plan of Climate Change and Carbon-Neu… New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 65

# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 72 


  As the climate crisis intensifies, unprecedented shifts in weather patterns and severe climate events are becoming part of our daily lives. Countries worldwide are formulating diverse policies to address and mitigate the climate crisis. The role of education and promotion in resolving climate issues and achieving comprehensive carbon neutrality is particularly emphasized. Accelerated changes in population demographics, such as increased life expectancy and a growing elderly population, highlight the demand for education tailored to different stages of life.

  This study explores strategies to activate lifelong carbon neutrality education for individuals and communities, aiming to cultivate the skills necessary to preserve and enhance the environment in the era of the climate crisis. To achieve this, the current state of climate change and carbon neutrality education is assessed both domestically and internationally, alongside an analysis of the conditions for climate change and carbon neutrality education within the region. The study seeks to provide foundational data for policy development by analyzing the significance of these conditions and proposing directions for climate change education across different life stages.

  With the onset of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the challenges posed by low birth rates and an aging population, the importance of education targeting all age groups, beyond formal education, is escalating. The need for tailored education aligned with the life cycle of individuals is crucial. The study asserts that awareness and practices related to climate change and carbon neutrality are not inherent but learned behaviors. Therefore, it advocates for the development of policies and specific programs related to climate change and carbon neutrality education across life stages, underlining the importance of lifelong learning beyond the school age.

  Despite various ongoing initiatives for climate change and carbon neutrality education, there is a perceived lack of systematic organization regarding education themes, methods, and scope based on life stages. Consequently, the study underscores the necessity of considering lifelong learning and calls for the development of policies and specific programs tailored to different life stages. It also recommends aligning education programs with central and local government carbon neutrality policies, incorporating societal issues into programs, reflecting contemporary trends, considering educational curricula, and supporting lifecycle-tailored programs through collaboration with local environmental organizations and lifelong learning institutions. These efforts can serve as driving forces to activate climate change and carbon neutrality education programs.
