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[B2023-23] A Study on the Role of Intermediate Support Organizations i… New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 116

Ⅰ. Introduction ··········································································································································· 1

  1. Research Background and Purpose ······················································································ 3

  2. Research Scope and Methodology ······················································································· 5

Ⅱ. Theoretical Discussion of Intermediate Support Organization ··········································· 7

  1. Concept of Intermediate Support Organization ································································ 9

  2. Types and Roles of Intermediate Support Organizations ··········································· 12

  3. Analysis of Current Status of Intermediate Support Organizations in Chungcheongbuk-do ·················· 20


Ⅲ. Actual Analysis of Intermediate Support Organizations in Chungcheongbuk-do ······ 29

  1. Examples of Intermediate Support Organizations in Chungcheongbuk-do ··········· 31

  2. Actual Analysis of Intermediate Support Organizations ············································· 40

Ⅳ. Development Plan of Intermediate Support Organization in Chungcheongbuk-do ··· 53

  1. Creating an institutional foundation for intermediate support organization ·········· 55

  2. Functions and Roles of Intermediate Support Organizations ···································· 56

  3. Strengthening the Administrative and Financial Independence of Intermediate Support Organizations ··························· 62

Ⅴ. Conclusion ············································································································································ 65

  1. Conclusion ································································································································· 67

  2. Policy Recommendations ······································································································· 69

Appendix ······················································································································································ 75

  1. Survey ········································································································································ 77

  2. Abstract ····································································································································· 81

  3. Table of Contents ··················································································································· 86


  The purpose of this study is to analyze the actual situation of intermediate support organizations in Chungcheongbuk-do and provide basic data to derive future development plans for intermediate support organizations in Chungcheongbuk-do. Currently, local governments are facing an increasing number of local problems that are difficult to solve in the administrative sector due to the declining birthrate and aging population and the role of non-profit activities led by citizens is increasing. To solve these problems, local governments are recognizing the need for intermediate support organizations that support civic groups and residents' self-governance organizations.

  An intermediate support organization can be defined as an organization that supports various activities between administrative agencies and local communities. The subjects of this study are the Chungbuk Civil Society Support Center, the Chungcheongbuk-do Land Balanced Development and Decentralization Promotion Center, the Chungbuk City Regeneration Center and the Chungcheongbuk-do Comprehensive Volunteer Center, each of which plays a role with the goal of serving the public interest of the community. We wanted to analyze how these intermediate support organizations are performing their roles through what projects and what differences in roles are emerging among them(Chungbuk Civil Society Support Center, the Chungcheongbuk-do Land Balanced Development and Decentralization Promotion Center, the Chungbuk City Regeneration Center, and the Chungcheongbuk-do Comprehensive Volunteer Center). Therefore, in order for intermediate support organizations in Chungcheongbuk-do to play a desirable role, it is important to establish the following institutional foundations.

  First, in terms of administration and finance, it is necessary to establish a cooperative relationship between the intermediate support organization and the administration and strengthen the financial foundation to guarantee the operational autonomy of the intermediate support organization.

  Second, intermediate support organizations should strengthen support for the establishment and activities of education and training and private networks in order to strengthen the capabilities of their members.

  Third, intermediate support organizations have difficulty carrying out basic activities due to small financial support, so financial support through stable organizational operation is needed. To this end, additional support should be considered along with performance evaluation of business performance.

  Fourth, intermediate support organizations should develop and evaluate objective performance indicators so that feedback on public interest can be properly returned, and based on the results, establish a feedback system for deficiencies to be supplemented.

  Fifth, since most intermediate support organizations lack experience, it is necessary to establish a mutual cooperative relationship by providing a forum for public information exchange between intermediate support organizations.
