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[B2023-19] A Study on the Development of Smart Farm in Chungbuk New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 92

# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 83


  This study discusses the necessity of introducing smart farm in Chungbuk, a future agricultural technology that applies 4th industrial technologies to solve problems occurring in Chungbuk's agriculture. It aims to explore ways to specialize and expand these farm and to activate related industries.

  To spread smart farm in Chungbuk, the study examined development plans tailored to the agricultural environment of each region in Chungbuk, divided into northern, central, and southern areas. Specifically, it proposed the expansion of facility-centered smart farm in the central area, medicinal crop-centered plant factories in the north, and open-field smart farm focused on fruit cultivation in the south. After examining these smart farm types and crops, the study also looked into training programs for smart farm experts, divided between existing agricultural businesses and new young farmers. Additionally, it reviewed government support policies to reduce the financial burden of establishing smart farm.

  The study emphasized the need to develop not just the spread of smart farm but also the manufacturing of various smart farm equipment, consulting services, and strategies for processing and distribution, anticipating an increase in production.

  For the expansion of Chungbuk-style smart farm, it is crucial to supply smart farm that can effectively cultivate crops characteristic of Chungbuk. This includes strengthening the capabilities of agricultural businesses using smart farm, training smart farm consultants, and operating smart farm research groups to share and provide related information. The study also suggests utilizing government projects to address financial constraints.

  The significance of this study lies in exploring how Chungbuk should respond and expand smart farm in the face of future challenges such as climate change-induced food crises and decreasing agricultural population in rural areas.
