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[D2023-08] Promoting Health Literacy Among the Elderly in Chungbuk Pro… New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 150

# ABSTRACT ························································································································· 103 


  In today's world, a vast amount of information is disseminated through various media channels. The field of healthcare is no exception, as medical and health information is being produced through mass media, the Internet, and social media, and is becoming more accessible to users. However, there are still information-vulnerable groups who have difficulty accessing the information they need, and the accuracy and reliability of the information obtained is not always guaranteed. Accordingly, interest in 'health literacy', which ensures that users can access and utilize accurate and reliable medical and health information, has recently been increasing. 

  Health literacy is considered a critical intervention point for enhancing the accessibility and equity of the population's health behavior and healthcare service utilization. As healthcare use and medication intake increase among older adults, low health literacy may lead to problems such as excessive healthcare use, misuse or discontinuation of medications, and inappropriate health behaviors. Accordingly, this study aims to identify the current status and problems of health literacy among the elderly in Chungbuk Province and to present policy recommendations for improvement.

  Based on the research results, the following recommendations are suggested to enhance health literacy among the elderly in Chungbuk. First, there is a need to raise awareness of the importance of health literacy and make efforts to incorporate it into policies. Second, the development of a systematic health information education curriculum tailored for the elderly is crucial. Third, regular surveys and health literacy monitoring within Chungbuk is essential, emphasizing local initiatives rather than relying solely on central government efforts. We promote the use of visual materials, the establishment and use of two-way communication channels, the promotion of collaboration between institutions, and the activation of community organizations for the proper sharing of accurate health information.
