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[C2023-03] Exploratory and Exploitative Strategies for Searching Futur… New postHot issue
Writer : 서브관리자 Views : 131

I. Introduction ································································································································1

  1. Research background and purpose

  2. Research range and method

II. Status and trends of emerging industries in domestic and abroad ·····················7

  1. Issues and trends in global emerging industries

  2. Issues of emerging industries in domestic and trends of government policy

III. History and current condition of regional economic and industrial changes in 

Chungbuk ·······························································································································39

  1. History and charecteristics of regional economic and industrial change in Chungbuk

  2. Recent policy and current condition of emerging industries in Chungbuk

IV. Analysis of current flagship industries and its improvement strategies in Chungbuk: 

Exploitative strategies ············································································································97

  1. Current features and characteristics of flagship industries in Chungbuk

  2. Improvement strategies of current flagship industries in Chungbuk

  3. List of emerging industries derived from current flagship industries in Chungbuk

V. Analysis of discovering strategies for future industries in Chungbuk: Exploratory 

strategies ································································································································181

  1. Exploratory factor analysis for discovering future industries in Chungbuk

  2. Strategies and tasks for discovering and regionalizing future industries in Chungbuk

  3. List of future industries in Chungbuk

Ⅵ. Regionalization issues and directions for future industries in Chungbuk ·········225

  1. Regionalization issues and directions with respect to the innovation ecosystem

  2. Regionalization issues and directions for developing local talents and expanding skilled workers

References ···································································································································259

Appendix ·····································································································································265


  This study aimed to explore feasible strategies and policy directions for discovering future industries in Chungbuk through analyzing the current status of new industries and policy trends globally and domestically. Moreover, this study also considers the changes and conditions of economic industries in Chungbuk for exploring future industries in Chungbuk. Chapter 1 describes the background and purpose of the study. Chapter 2 describes the major issues and trends of global new industries. Also, we analyzed the status of domestic new industries and government policy trends. Chapter 3 analyzed the major characteristics of the Chungbuk economy and industry over time, and also analyzed the recent status and conditions of Chungbuk's new industry policy. Chapter 4 analyzed the current status and upgrading strategies of Chungbuk's flagship industries, such as semiconductor, bio-health, and secondary cell, based on exploitative strategies. The main contents include, first, an analysis of the status and characteristics of each of Chungbuk's flagship industries, second, an analysis of the upgrading strategies of each of the flagship industries, and third, suggestions of new industries derived from each of the flagship industries in Chungbuk. Chapter 5 analyzes the discovery of future industries in Chungbuk based on an exploratory strategy. First, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted to identify future industries in Chungbuk, and second, detailed industries of future industries in Chungbuk, such as new energy, ag-tech, railroad and logistics, and aerospace, were presented. Finally, Chapter 6 described regionalization issues and directions for fostering future industries in Chungbuk, such as creating a regional innovation ecosystem and fostering local talents and skilled workers.
